Terms of Use


The SFO Cloud and its applications (together this Site) is operated by Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Limited (SIEE), Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC (SIE LLC) and Sony Interactive Entertainment, Inc. (SIE Inc) (each an SIE Group Company and, collectively, SIE or we/our/us) and, at SIE’s option, by other entities within the SIE Group, meaning each SIE Group Company and all their subsidiaries.

This Site relates to ordering, returning, repairing and investigations associated with SIE products (Purpose). You agree to use this Site only for such Purpose and only in accordance with these Terms of Use and any instructions or guidelines that SIE provides from time to time. These Terms of Use will be deemed to have been accepted by you each time you use this Site. SIE may, in its sole discretion, change, add to and/or remove portions of these Terms of Use at any time by updating the contents of this page. Your continued access to, or use of, this Site will signify your acceptance of any changes to these Terms of Use.

Additional Terms

If accessing this Site from an organisation outside of the SIE Group, your organisation will have an agreement with a company in the SIE Group associated with an activity set out in the Purpose (Company Agreement). This Company Agreement contains legally binding requirements, such as confidentiality obligations, which will also apply to your use of this Site and your activities in connection with it. If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and you’re the Company Agreement, the terms of the Company Agreement shall prevail.

Authorised Users

Your access to this Site will be in accordance with the Company Agreement and you should only access parts of this Site which you are authorised to do so. Unauthorised access to parts of this Site is a breach of these Terms of Use and may be a breach of the Company Agreement or other agreements between you or your organisation and a company in the SIE Group.

Proper Handling of User Accounts

You must not allow a third party to use your user account(s) to this Site (the Account), or lend, transfer, assign, sell or otherwise dispose of, or permit any lien or other encumbrance on, the Account or disclose your log-in details or password to anyone. If you leave your organisation, you must stop using the Account. You are liable for any damages or losses incurred by improper management or misuse of the Account, or unauthorised use of the Account by a third party, and you shall hold SIE harmless from any such damages or losses. If you find that the Account has been stolen, used by a third party, or are otherwise at risk, contact SIE immediately and follow any instructions that we provide.

Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality

SIE or its licensors own this Site, all information or materials provided on or through it and all intellectual property rights in this Site and such information and materials. All rights are reserved. Unless otherwise expressly agreed by SIE, you shall not copy, modify, publish or transfer any content from this Site. Except as permitted by law, you shall not decompile or reverse engineer or otherwise break or attempt to break any encryption protecting such content. You shall not distribute or disclose any information or materials on this Site to third parties.

Prohibited Conduct

The following are not permitted when using this Site:

Export Regulations

Software development tools (including hardware and software tools and documentation) provided by SIE may be subject to export regulations laws with which you are required to comply.

Administrator Rights

The content of this Site may be changed without prior notice. SIE has the right, for reasons including but not limited to equipment maintenance or the occurrence of unforeseeable events, such as natural disasters, to suspend or terminate, either temporarily or permanently, all or a part of this Site. In such cases, SIE will notify you beforehand in a manner that SIE deems appropriate, except in a case of emergency. In addition, SIE reserves the right to delete any comments, remarks or contents posted on this Site that SIE deems to be in violation of these Terms of Use or to be inappropriate for security, ethical or other reasons SIE deems appropriate. SIE may also impose limits on your use of or access to all or certain features or parts of this Site without notice or liability to you, if SIE deems you to be in violation of these Terms of Use, or for security or other reasons SIE deems appropriate. This may include suspending or terminating user accounts or your organisation’s access to this Site.


SIE processes information about you in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on this Site. By using this Site you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.

Links to Non-SIE Websites

Third parties’ websites linked to or from this Site (Linked Sites) are independently operated and maintained by those third parties. SIE does not supervise or control Linked Sites in any manner. SIE does not have any partnership or necessary affiliation with any Linked Site. SIE does not recommend or endorse the contents of any Linked Site nor does it recommend or endorse any products or services associated with any Linked Site. Your use of Linked Sites is subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by the operator of each Linked Site. SIE is not responsible for any loss or damage, however caused, in connection with your use of any Linked Site, and your access to any Linked Sites is at your own risk.


Except to the extent prohibited by applicable laws, SIE makes no representation or warranty, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including warranties, conditions or representations with respect to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement of third parties rights and/or the safety of this Site or its contents. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable laws, SIE shall not be liable for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) arising out of your use of or access to, or inability to use or access this Site or arising out of information, software or other material being disseminated or lost in transmission to or from this Site.

SIE Responsibility

Each SIE Group Company benefits from, and will only be liable for, use of this Site and its content, and any communications or agreements which might arise under it, which take place in or otherwise directly relate to its region. No SIE Group Company shall be jointly or severally liable with any other SIE Group Company. References to “SIE” on this Site shall be deemed to refer to each SIE Group Company for its respective region only, except where the context requires otherwise. For details of the region countries of each SIE Group Company, please refer to your Contract Agreement or contact the relevant SIE Group Company at the address given in the About Us section of PlayStation Partners.


If any portion of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such portion shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining portion.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use and any dispute or claim arising out of them will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the jurisdictions set out below. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts described below for purposes of any action or proceeding: